Exploration improvisation gel pad

Gel pad exploration part two. A good 2 weeks passed since my first attempts and they are still hanging on the wall I look at them everyday. Thinking! Analising! I don't much of a clue about where its going still but I plunged again head first into the urge of  the unknown. Venturing into uncharted territory, exploring the depths of my creativity and learning new skills. Well, look no further than the world of art exploration! Madness of insecurity its not for everyone. Creativity is a wild thing.


Again printing using gouache on a cotton rag paper. I keep my practice as clean of toxic stuff as possible my health  is too precious and fragile to fool around as when I was younger. This time I wanted  to created a sandy beach improvisation printing. Different set of colours and luminosity than the previous one... Why not!

I have now thought about it during those 2 weeks and figured that different roller size were important , then how to reproduce most naturally the movement of the wave coming to the shore and the sea and sky.

I thought I had cut 4 pieces of paper but I had only 3. OOPs!  This shitty cotton rag paper from China is perfect for trials probably better than the Italian one I guess but it needs a lot of water. This time I played with water on the paper , water on the gel pad and water on the roller. It got messy and I had to clean the rollers several times but this time I had a bit of an idea about what to expect. I used 3 different sizes of rollers and spatula as well like the last time I created empty places on my paper where there is no gouache at all. INTERESTING

I am impressed by the results again and out of chitty paper ahahaha!. I am thinking about acquiring a larger gel pad now yes I liked it that much !!! But maybe I should focus on finishing those 12 or 15 prints lying around the wall and the floor before being too ambitious. 

 Art Exploration?

Art exploration is about taking RISKS.  s like embarking on a wild safari in your mind, seeking out new techniques, styles, and mediums, sensation , light, feelings it's about pushing boundaries and embracing the unexpected twists and turns of the creative process. just dive In.   

Warning: side effects may include increased joy, self-discovery, and a newfound appreciation for the beauty of imperfection and limitless possibilities! #lamarchesarvia #brisbaneartists #australianartists #figurativeexpressionism

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