Marine search

 My affinity with water , my attraction to water and me working with watercolour are all linked elements so it's no surprise in a way to want to go that way. To have the ambition to explore the depths of marine life; to discover the power and diversity of ocean creatures is awesome and leaves me very humble at my studio desk because I have no clear idea how to tackle this new direction of my art life.

Technically it is completely different from my usual human social commentary subjects for my figurative expressionist art. The colours the shapes the light all is foreign to me living on land. It's a big ambitious task, a new challenge to embark on a journey through the wonders of marine life sitting in my studio at my drafting table.

I have been sailing, snorkelling , swimming and now I am trying to put that experience on paper in my figurative expressionist style. Week 1 it's a beginning and I am having fun.


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